17 February 2011

This is a timetable i made for myself and my team members i also thought it would be a good idea to privide the actress with one so that she knew in confidence where we were filming and at what times.

I also wanted to have structure whilst we were filming because i understood that if we didnt we could face many different teamworking problems which would ultimately ruin the quality of our title sequence ; such as bad punctuality, miss coordination and complete unconscienceness to the task at hand.

10 February 2011


After deciding our final idea and planning what we want to show in the opening sequence, we three met on a Sunday to look at the places Paris had on her mind- her neighbourhood in Greenford. We first looked at the path near a community school and thought we can start the sequence from that location where our character Grace is shown walking.
This paths lead to a church and we decided to include some ‘graveyard scenes’ in our production because they are associated with horror, creepiness and silence. It’d also seem a bit enigmatic as we see Grace walking into the graveyard for no apparent reason and then come running out looking very scared.
Lorraine who had agreed to be ‘Grace’ lived very near the church and we didn’t have to worry about anything like where to use the bathrooms, change outfits (not that we wanted different clothing), place to stay and keep the equipments if it started raining and so on.
We wanted some scenes at a cafe/restaurant where Grace is seen writing in her notebook with untouched/hardly touched food or coffee on the table. We asked the cafes in Greenford whether they’d allow us to film for a little while later in the week. One of them agreed and we were told to come after 3 on Tuesday or Thursday which is when we’d planned on doing filming.

We wanted a place to show Grace crossing the road and chose this place which is near the school. It was Sunday and all was very quiet. It seemed likely that there would be school children and other people on the day we film so we’d chose the road in front of the church as an alternative.
We choose an empty bus (Upper deck backseats) as one other place to film and finally Paris’s living room where Grace is seen writing and then tearing her notebook.
We have altogether chosen 6 locations and we’d be all set to start filming once I finish making the storyboard.

9 February 2011

This is the brief i gave to our actress Lorraine Mabiza (Grace) morning of our first shoot. It includes the original synopsis of our thriller so that she knew what type of chracter we were trying to create, though specialising in costume in makeup and extra information which would in aid her for the day of the shoot.

8 February 2011

Interviews carried out to choose thriller genre and form ideas

Interview 1
1)      What do you expect to get from thriller movies?
Personally, I’d want to see something surreal, out of the norm. For instance, maybe an event which wouldn’t happen in reality, but will play with your mind to convince you that it can have a possibility of happening. For example, ‘Harry Potter’ is an innovative movie with features expressed to the viewers in a way to make them feel involved and long for this type of world to exist; as fantasy being a characteristic which enthrals any type of audience.

2)      What is that one thing that you believe a Thriller movie MUST have?
I think a thriller should have originality, because if there is a lack of authenticity, and then the film itself, would lose value. Viewers need to be engaged in the storyline, and I believe if it surpasses their expectations, then the movie will not be able to meet its goals. For example every minor detail would need to be taken care of, as there has to be an element of general meaning to anything within the production.

3)      Should a thriller be resolved in the end or should it have a cliff hanger? And why?
Although I have a guilty pleasure for thriller movies, even if I know how much it psychologically affects me, I would prefer to have a resolution to the problem, just to ease my mind and put it at rest. However, depending on certain situations, for example if a film was to inevitably end tragically, on a personal level, I would rather have it cliff-hang, just to avoid visually experiencing the misfortune.

4)      What is a ‘cliché’ type of Thriller movie and would you have preferred anything different?
I personally believe films which involve psychos as the villains are slightly cliché; however I’m not undermining this, as there is a film which uses this technique, which is the movie, A Nightmare on Elm Street. The storyline is also a big factor in distinguishing a typical movie to a unique movie.  Considering this, I haven’t seen a thriller which I was disappointed in yet, as every varying detail is intriguing to me so far, which has definitely left me inspired.

5)      If you were to make one yourself, what would your Thriller movie be about?
As I am frightened of horror based thrillers, such thrillers as adventures are more appealing to me. If I was to relate to a specific film, it definitely would be such successful series books like Harry Potter and Twilight, which is more fascinating to broader/wider audience bases; therefore I would see myself utilising special techniques form those types of films, and maybe look deeper into certain books.
Interview 2
1)      What do you expect to get from thriller movies?
I’d say a fictional story line with a touch of adventure. I would like to see lots of suspense, bumps, action and horror.

2)      What is that one thing that you believe a Thriller movie MUST have?
Action! (By this, I mean stunts!)

3)      Should a thriller be resolved in the end or should it have a cliff hanger? And why?
Definitely should be solved at the end, I hate waiting for part two-s! (joke) But seriously speaking, sequels keep the audience waiting for the answer in their next part. Resolving the enigma makes things less complicated and lives you satisfied!

4)      What is a ‘cliché’ type of Thriller movie and would you have preferred anything different?
Somethin related to blood, ghosts or exorcism. Although that's the theme of thriller, I'd prefer something that's not so ‘mind-creeping’ and ‘spooky’- that way, I don’t have to be afraid about hitting the bed! Hmm... Perhaps adding a bit of musical to it would keep the brain absorbed and flattered?

5)      If you were to make one yourself, what would your Thriller movie be about?
Maybe the cliché's stated above but with more action and a lot more of a MUSICAL THRILLER =D

When you say musical, do you mean actors singing proper songs in the movie?
Errr... nah. That wouldn’t do! What was I thinking? That’d be like a bollywood movie-sh! Haha- us, Indians need songs in everything lol! But a bit of music, songs to lighten the mood.

Storyboarding Practice

I practiced making storyboards of the thriller openings we watched in class: Casino Royale and Old Boy. This helped me in making storyboards for our preliminay exercise and for the actual thriller opening exercise.

I tried making a video put of those scanned pages at home using Adobe Premiere Pro. I wasn't sure how to show my storyboards: pictures, via slideshare or video. Thought I'd keep it here though it's not very clear but I didn't want to have spent 30 minutes on the software for nothing. I got the 'enigmatic, moving, haunting' sound from sounddogs.com and I think that makes the video interesting and I also like those title templates :)

Title timeline

I watched the title sequence of 'Catch me if you can' and made a timeline showing when the names come up and for how long they are shown. This time shows the importance of certain people or their roles. This brilliantly animated sequence tells us what the film is about: a con artist on chase. It has hospital, airport, beach, bank scenes with the two men (already introduced as DiCaprio and Hanks).   It is actually the whole film in short. Also the clip fades to black when the detective is right about to catch the con man and in the film, Hanks does catch DiCaprio at the end.

Mood Board

This is an example of a mood board I created to display initial thoughts of our subject matter.

I decided to show the different emotions commonly associated with mental disorders such as :
  • Schizophrenia
  • Bipola
  • Multiple personality Disorder ect.