9 April 2011

Audience for my media product

Natalie Amy, an AS student, is 17 years old and lives in Harrow Weald. She enjoys shopping, swimming and going out to restaurants. New Look, H&M are the two main highstreet brands she goes to but she is no stranger to boutiques around London. Natalie is quite fashionable and though she also wears casual clothes: jeans and hoodies, she prefers girly clothes through which she can boldly express her femininity. She likes spending time in (nature) parks, comedy clubs and her friends’ houses and she loves being with animals in the animal sanctuary where she works.

Though she watches movies from different categories, Natalie considers the horror genre her favourite.  She mentioned Chainsaw Massacre, The Hole, One Missed Call, The Hostel trilogy and SAW series when asked to name a few movies she enjoyed. She usually watched them at home with her friends but she also likes going for cinema. Her favourite TV channels are e4, Channel 4 and More 4 where she watches Come Dine With Me, The Inbetweeners and Vampire Diaries.

She listens to a wide variety of songs- from acoustic, hard rock, pop rock to club/dub-step. But her ultimate favourite ones ‘depending on her mood’ are John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, everything - it ranges from acoustic, hard rock, pop rock to club/dub-step but my ultimate favorite things to listen to (depending on my mood) are John Mayer, Dave Matthews Band, Color + City, Taylor swift, and evanescence Color and City, Taylor Swift and Evanescence.

I think our film would appeal to girls like her because, though it won’t necessarily have blood and gore (horror), Wraith is/will be packed with suspense and enigma. I showed her our opening sequence and asked her what she thought. Here is the screen grab from the Facebook interview about what she said.

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