16 April 2011

Question 2

In most thriller films female characters are always portrayed as nice looking and very attractive. We have decided to do the same by choosing an attractive and young looking girl. It’s common to use white girls in most thriller films, so we decided to be different by choosing a female character that isn’t white. We wanted something other than white. It’s very rare to see other ethnicities in such films and mostly white girls are used. I have used two pictures as shown above to identify differences and similarities. The first picture on the top left is a picture that was taken using print-screen-shot on the computer while I was playing the video. The video itself is in black and white. The picture next to it on the top right is a picture of a young model for a handbag magazine called “Warmth.”

The similarities of these two female characters is that they are both are teenagers and they are both good looking. They are both tall and slim looking. They are both carrying a handbag which is a symbol for female characters. Their body posture is very similar as well, this makes them look tall. They are both dressed casually meaning its every day clothing. We decided to make our main character dress like this as we wanted the target audience to relate to her. We wanted people from the age of 15 to 25 to be able to relate to her. She is supposed to represent a student. They both look like students as they are both dressed casually and are both carrying a handbag. They are both wearing blue but we are not able to see that on the video as it is in black and white.
There are also some differences too. As we can clearly see the female on the right seems a bit older (about 18-23 years old) whereas our main character o the left seems to be younger (15-18 years old.) Our character has dressed so that we know what the weather condition is like. The white girl is wearing high heels and it seems like she is in a warm environment. Our character is wearing boots with jeans. The white girl is wearing a short skirt. The female character from the magazine on the right looks like the typical female victim used in most thriller films. They don’t appear as victims only but also as protagonists.

Both girls are in totally different locations. Our girl is in a rural area based on what we can see from the screen shot whereas the other white girl is in a more urbanised area. Our character has black hair and it’s fairly short. The girl from the magazine has got brown hair which is a bit longer. They have both tied their hair up which is a similarity. The character in our film is not permanently going to be dressed in the costumes we see above on the picture. This may change as we see more of the film. Overall both characters are portrayed in a stereotypical way. We can expect young teenagers to dress like that and there is nothing extreme or unclear about their appearances.

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